Why are we still, on 2021, building login/register/forgot my password pages? Most of the web based applications are just glorified API endpoints that are encapsulated in a GUI to provide a better User Experience. But there is no solution to auto-generate this pages and interactions for me, in a customizable way. I don’t want the […]
Author: Valboa
In our current day an age, after a company has an MVP and product market fit, it needs to evolve from being Single Product Oriented to Platform Oriented. This transition has to include the realization that the business functionality baked into the current offering is now something that can use software engineering to scale faster. […]
De entre el estiércol
(Escrito en el 2016) Desde hace algunas semanas que soy padre. Soy del tipo de padre que poco se ve ahora, ese que se hace cargo de sus hijos. Y esto me compromete a querer hacer lo mejor posible por ella. Cuando hable de “lo mejor posible” me refiero a poder hacer que el mundo […]
Career Growth Compendium
List of things I do to keep growing in my career (this is a personal list, take it with a grain of salt). I’ll keep adding items to the list as I find them util. Listen More Every time I join a new team, I try my best to listen more. Be the last to […]
Everything humans do can be reduced to a stream of events that produce a continuous outcome. Cause and effect. I believe that many of the current farm management systems and most of the logistic software solutions are based on state management instead of event management. This is why I think events are more important than […]
Food Federalization
or Why we need more local proudness. Food is central in building civilizations. Grains and staple crops have been crucial in the development and growth of ancient empires and entire modern nations. The United States wouldn’t be number one without the #2 Yellow Corn and soybeans. But a time for a new civilization seems to […]
Farming, Food and Data
How are farmers keeping track of their data? Is that data secure and independent? Are they blocked and hostage of a certain provider? I believe that the next revolution in farming is going to be based on a distributed network of local, sustainable and responsible food hubs. But to get to this reality there are […]
The problem of too much ambition
Ambition blinds you. It puts horse blinkers on that stop you from seeing other opportunities. Uncontrolled Ambition is a great igniter of greed and selfishness. After reading to Bob Iger, I came to the realization that ambition is overrated. Is a term of taking instead of giving. Is focused of self-achievement, is not about the […]
Can we open source farming?
The more I learn and work in the field and in the technology that will work on the field, the more I found that farming needs open source tools. From protocols and equipment, to digital tools. As one of the oldest professions of the Antropocene, agriculture has evolved from the transmission of knowledge from generation […]
Hasta hace unos meses la educación en casa era un tabú. Al mencionar a nuestros amigos o familiares que queríamos educar a nuestros hijos en casa, la primera pregunta era “¿Por qué?” y la segunda era “¿Están seguros?”. Y es entendible. El sistema educativo actual es una respuesta a una sociedad industrial que a levantado […]