
There is no space for two in this soul

‘Don’t love the world’s ways. Don’t love the world’s goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world—wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important—has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him. The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out—but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity. ‘

1 John 2:15

I went down. Like a fallen athlete that dreamed of wining the Olympics just to found that an injury left them out during the trials. But in my case, I was not practicing. I was simply not paying attention.

My mind was so focused on achieving and getting to the goal, that I lost track that my soul was being overtaken by the wrong Lord. Ambition, Approval, Apathy. I decided, slowly and continually, to rent my soul to the wrong tenant. A failed proposition.

During the last 5 days I’ve been in recovery. Mostly after the past tenants trashed out my soul. Graffitis, feces in the couches, half a cigarette thrown down the sink. A complete disaster. I let my soul unattended, free to dismay. And dismay it got. I went to a heavily troubled mind, to an ache heart and an empty identity. My life went meaningless.

And that’s went my the previous (original tenant) showed up. Kind and Loving, always careful. He showed up and started cleaning without even asking for anything in return. Just out of love. And I was mad. I did not recognized Him at first. I felt trespassed but cared for.

Three days took me to come back. What a coincidence. To let the Original Tenant to take return to my soul and restore it. I am a work in progress, but I can see why He is the best in what he does. I found joy, hope and love. I found myself in Him.

  • Special thanks to my Wife, my kids, my friends and my church for being the voice and the hands of the Invisible God.

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